Savannah Banana Fundraiser was a BIG Success!

The stadium was packed, the first base coach was dancing, and there were LOTS of people cheering! Yes, everyone had a great time at LIFE’s Savannah Banana’s Spirit Night last night! Congratulations to Kimberly Whitley and Little Annabelle Lee Castlen on winning LIFE’s 50/50 raffle during last night’s Savannah Banana Game! Thank you, Ashton Pearson, for drawing that winning ticket!…

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Heaven Received Another Angel

It is with our deepest sorrow that we inform you of the passing of our beloved friend and co-worker, Shawana Bulloch. Shawana slipped peacefully into the arms of her Heavenly Father early Monday morning. Shawana was an integral part of LIFE’s family and worked diligently to improve the lives of people with disabilities for over 17 years. Please join…

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Support LIFE through Amazon Smiles

Please shop at and Amazon will donate to Living Independence For Everyone Inc. Amazon has a large variety of gifts that are perfect for Father’s Day including electronics, clothing, and more. Click on this link to place your orders through Amazon while supporting LIFE, Inc.    

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Toastmaster’s Came to LIFE!

The Small Business Chamber’s Toastmasters came to LIFE yesterday! Neil Ligon, LIFE’s Executive Director, won for a 5-7 minute prepared speech, Denise Howard won for table topics and impromptu speaking, and Carol Kirchner won for best evaluator and providing feedback on a speech in two minutes.

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Job Position Opening!

INDEPENDENT LIVING COORDINATOR Living Independence for Everyone (LIFE), Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to promote independent living and advance community change for EVERYONE. LIFE is one of nine centers for independent living in Georgia. LIFE advocates personal responsibility – by, and for, people with disabilities – as a means to independence. To help consumers achieve…

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Why Fair Housing Month?

Every April, we come together as a community and a nation to celebrate the anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act and recommit to that goal which inspired us in the aftermath of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s assassination in 1968: To eliminate housing discrimination and create equal opportunity in every community. This means that each…

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GVRA Listening Session

Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA) invites clients, potential clients and community members to listening sessions across the state. The dates and locations are as follows, and all sessions will be led by new Director of Blind and Deaf services Denine Woodson. April 14 – Savannah Savannah Public Library Auditorium 2002 Bull Street Savannah, GA 31401 10:00 a.m. – 12:00…

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