February 5, 2025
COHORT #1 is full, but we are enrolling for the next two cohorts!
The CDSMP is a six-week, interactive program designed by Stanford University and facilitated by trained staff members. Participants learn how to manage symptoms like fatigue, pain and depression. Participants develop skills through action planning and feedback, behavior modeling, problem solving techniques, and decision making.
Topics will include:
> Appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance
> Falls prevention
> Healthy eating
> Better breathing techniques
> Appropriate use of medication
> Working more effectively with health care providers
> Communicating with friends and family
> Communicating with oneself
> Communicating with the health care system
> Action-planning, problem-solving, decision-making
The program will begin in January of 2025 and enrollment is open! call Melanie or Lisa for more details! 912-920-2414.