Resources By County

Short Business Description
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.
Services Provided

Gently used goods at affordable prices

Phone Number
969 Tebeau St.
Waycross, GA 31501
Counties We Serve
Short Business Description
Our mission is to mobilize the citizens of Savannah and surrounding communities to address the scourge of the $150 billion/year human trafficking industry.
Services Provided

Raises awareness as well as on educating professionals and the general public about human trafficking. Contact for a presentation or more information.

Phone Number
463 Pooler Parkway, P.O. Box 232

Pooler, GA 31322
Counties We Serve
Short Business Description
STRIVE Transitional Living Services are made up of three interconnected programs: STRIVE Transitional Living Program, STRIVE Promoting Safe and Stable Families, and STRIVE Rapid Re-housing in order to give youth the support they lack and a chance to accomplish their goals.

Qualifications to Receive Services
Each program has differences in enrollment criteria and the provision of housing. Official referrals are made by the county's Division of Family & Children Services caseworker assigned to the youth; however, informal recommendations can be made by any interested party.
Services Provided

All 3 programs provide advocacy, information, and referrals; daily life skills; financial literacy; employment support; educational support and tutoring; health and wellness support; housing support (advising); occasional transportation; mentoring; and connections to counseling and mental-health services

Phone Number
1526 Norwich St.
Brunswick, GA 31520
Counties We Serve
Short Business Description
Adaptive voting machines are available for voters with physical challenges. The law requires that your county provide polling places that are accessible to people with disabilities. Georgia’s paper-ballot voting system includes adjustments to accommodate various disabilities.

Headsets are available so you can hear your choices read to you. Large controls are available for people with limited mobility, and they can accommodate sip-and-puff devices.

Also, if you are visually impaired, you can use an app on your phone to read your ballot to you before you cast it. Before you leave the polling place, you are required to delete any photos of your ballot necessary to read it.
Qualifications to Receive Services
Any person with a disability can ask for accommodation, including registering how to vote. Persons with disabilities do not have to wait in line to vote; just tell a poll officer that you have a disability and you will be moved to the front of the line.

You can get help voting if you are unable to sign your name, unable to see or mark the ballot, operate the voting equipment, or enter the voting booth without assistance. When you arrive, you must give the poll worker the name of the person assisting you or write it on your voter certificate.

These accommodations also apply to persons who are 75 or older.
Services Provided

Voting assistance to people with disabilities

Phone Number
2 MLK Jr. Drive, Suite 802 Floyd West Tower

Atlanta, GA 30334
Counties We Serve
Appling, Bacon, Brantley, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham, Effingham, Evans, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Pierce, Tattnall, Toombs, Ware, Wayne
Short Business Description
A runaway and homeless youth emergency shelter provides for the immediate needs of homeless and runaway children and youth up to age 17 in Glynn County. Children and youth receive safe, temporary housing, food, clothing, healthcare, counseling, and the encouragement to fulfill their potential and successfully contribute to society.
Services Provided

Short-term emergency shelter for up to 21 days. Open 24/7 with a 24-hour crisis line (912-270-8399). Provides individual, family, and group counseling, 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. After-school tutorial and drop-in center. Weekly life skill groups. Community-based recreational services. Help with applying for benefits, housing, and other supportive programs. After-care services for 12 months

Phone Number
1526 Norwich St.
Brunswick, GA 31520
Counties We Serve