For children and families: support and resources; Megan's House; Champions for Children; and respite services. For adults: employment and job training; adult enrichment; residential services; and community living supports. Go to the website listed for details on each.
Albany, GA 31701
For children and families: support and resources; Megan's House; Champions for Children; and respite services. For adults: employment and job training; adult enrichment; residential services; and community living supports. Go to the website listed for details on each.
For children and families: support and resources; Megan's House; Champions for Children; and respite services. For adults: employment and job training; adult enrichment; residential services; and community living supports. Go to the website listed for details on each.
Waycross, GA 31501
Enter your name (initial of your first name and full last name), your date of birth and your county and it will take you to a page that contains the following information:
* Your voting history
* Your polling place, and how to get there
* Polling place hours
* How to request an absentee ballot
* Your federal, county, school and city district numbers (f applicable)
* How to contact your county voter registrar
* District maps
Click your district number to find the name and contact information of the person who is now in office.
Atlanta, GA 30334
* Information and referral
* Technical assistance, advice, and support in self advocacy
* Assistance in advocacy, negotiation, or mediation on behalf of individuals
* Investigation of allegations of abuse, neglect, or violations of rights
* Deflect and prevent guardianships, support individuals in the restoration of rights, and advocate for supported decision making as an alternative to guardianships
* Public information and education regarding the needs and rights of people with disabilities
* Multicultural outreach to unserved or underserved groups of persons with disabilities
* Identification of problems in the system of service delivery and advocacy for systemic change
* Legislative monitoring and technical assistance
* Technical assistance to attorneys on disability law
Decatur, GA 30030
Education, housing, utilities assistance, financial empowerment, income tax preparation, youth development, aging services, women's empowerment, home repairs, energy efficiency upgrades
Brunswick, GA 31521
Links to information on many topics, in many formats, can be found on the website.
Baltimore, MD 21230
REV UP stands for “Register, Educate, Vote, Use your Power!” REV UP's mission is to foster civic engagement and protect the voting rights of Americans with disabilities. The REV UP network is composed of grassroots coalitions and partner organizations that work to advance the Disability Vote.
The REV UP network is made of both grassroots and national organizers that work to advance the Disability Vote. REV UP is a nonpartisan campaign, meaning that we do not support specific candidates or political parties. We support cross-disability civil rights by building the political and economic power of people with disabilities across the country.
Downloadable guide that provides a step-by-step plan to advance the disability vote and voting rights. Click on the website link below to access the REV-Up Guide.
Washington, D.C. 20006
Forensic medical examinations, follow-up medical services, 24-hour crisis line, crisis intervention, advocacy services, and therapeutic counseling.
Brunswick, GA 31529