Wayne County

Short Business Description
Head Start is a free education program for eligible children 3-4 years old. Also available is Pre-K for children 4-5 years old.
Qualifications to Receive Services
Services are free based on family size and income eligibility.
Services Provided

Children and their families receive child care, health, nutrition, social, and other services. Provides individualized early learning opportunities, including social skills and emotional well-being. Language and literacy learning; health, nutrition, dental, and mental health services; family goal planning and early intervention services for children with disabilities are also provided.

Phone Number
724 N. 4th St.
Jesup, GA 31545
Counties We Serve
Short Business Description
Helps seniors and others with energy and financial assistance, when funding is available
Qualifications to Receive Services
Seniors must be at least 65. Energy and financial service depends on family size on household income
Services Provided

Programs for seniors may include daily activities, opportunities for social interaction,field trips, meals, home-delivered meals for those who cannot visit a center, nutrition education and recreation.

Phone Number
247 South 2nd Street
Jesup, GA 31545
Counties We Serve