
Short Business Description
A non-profit organization that works with people with disabilities by providing information and referrals, works to involve local residents to help prevent abuse and neglect, school bullying and learning about the four types of advocacy.
Qualifications to Receive Services
To learn more about how to get help, click here:
Services Provided

* Information and referral
* Technical assistance, advice, and support in self advocacy
* Assistance in advocacy, negotiation, or mediation on behalf of individuals
* Investigation of allegations of abuse, neglect, or violations of rights
* Deflect and prevent guardianships, support individuals in the restoration of rights, and advocate for supported decision making as an alternative to guardianships
* Public information and education regarding the needs and rights of people with disabilities
* Multicultural outreach to unserved or underserved groups of persons with disabilities
* Identification of problems in the system of service delivery and advocacy for systemic change
* Legislative monitoring and technical assistance
* Technical assistance to attorneys on disability law

Phone Number
1 W Ct Square #625
Decatur, GA 30030
Counties We Serve
Appling, Bacon, Brantley, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham, Effingham, Evans, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Pierce, Tattnall, Toombs, Ware, Wayne
Short Business Description
NA is dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery from addiction. Our committee serves as a hub for Narcotics Anonymous resources and meetings throughout Georgia, providing hope, community, and a path to a drug-free life.
Services Provided

Meetings are virtual or in person or a combination of both. While this listing takes you to South Georgia meeting/times/dates/locations, you may also access all Georgia NA meeting information.

Phone Number
Mailing address: P.O. Box 420615
Atlanta, GA 30342
Counties We Serve
Appling, Bacon, Brantley, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham, Effingham, Evans, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Pierce, Tattnall, Toombs, Ware, Wayne
Short Business Description
REV UP stands for “Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!” The REV UP Voting Campaign’s mission is to foster civic engagement and protect the voting rights of Americans with disabilities. REV UP focuses on building the power of the disability vote across the country.

The REV UP network is made of both grassroots and national organizers that work to advance the Disability Vote. REV UP is a nonpartisan campaign, meaning that we do not support specific candidates or political parties. We support cross-disability civil rights by building the political and economic power of people with disabilities across the country.
Services Provided

Downloadable guide that provides a step-by-step plan to advance the disability vote and voting rights. Click on the website link below to access the REV-Up Guide.

Phone Number
2020 Pennsylvania Ave., Mailbox 263

Washington, D.C. 20006
Counties We Serve
Appling, Bacon, Brantley, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Candler, Charlton, Chatham, Effingham, Evans, Glynn, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Pierce, Tattnall, Toombs, Ware, Wayne
Short Business Description
Safe Harbor Children’s Center serves children from birth to 18, who have been removed from dangerous situations as a result of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. ent.
Services Provided

As a long-term residential shelter, the center provides nurturing care, medical and dental services, academic tutoring, vocational guidance, recreational opportunities, and counseling and therapeutic services in a loving home-like environment.

Phone Number
1526 Norwich St.
Brunswick, GA 31520
Counties We Serve