Must have photo ID, proof of income for every member of the household, verification of Social Security and of total household income for the previous 30 days, and most recent home heating and electric bills.
Energy assistance
Alma, GA 31510
For more than 50 years, we have worked alongside local partners and have become integral to the progress of the individuals and families in the communities we serve.
Provides a variety of services that differ by location, which may include energy assistance, financial help, financial literacy, court appointed special advocates and more. Call the number for your county to learn more about what is available to help elderly and low-income families and individuals. Where possible, we have added separate listings for each service by county. A search by county will bring up all the information that was available at the time of publication.
Alma, GA 31510
Provides child and adolescent psychiatry; individual, group and family therapy; school-based service; parenting education; after-school services; and case management in Atkinson, Bacon, Brantley, Charlton, Pierce, and Ware counties.
Waycross, GA 31503
For children and families: support and resources; Megan's House; Champions for Children; and respite services. For adults: employment and job training; adult enrichment; residential services; and community living supports. Go to the website listed for details on each.
REV UP stands for “Register, Educate, Vote, Use your Power!” REV UP's mission is to foster civic engagement and protect the voting rights of Americans with disabilities. The REV UP network is composed of grassroots coalitions and partner organizations that work to advance the Disability Vote.
Headsets are available so you can hear your choices read to you. Large controls are available for people with limited mobility, and they can accommodate sip-and-puff devices.
Also, if you are visually impaired, you can use an app on your phone to read your ballot to you before you cast it. Before you leave the polling place, you are required to delete any photos of your ballot necessary to read it.
You can get help voting if you are unable to sign your name, unable to see or mark the ballot, operate the voting equipment, or enter the voting booth without assistance. When you arrive, you must give the poll worker the name of the person assisting you or write it on your voter certificate.
These accommodations also apply to persons who are 75 or older.
Voting assistance to people with disabilities
Atlanta, GA 30334