Provides child and adolescent psychiatry; individual, group and family therapy; school-based service; parenting education; after-school services; and case management in Atkinson, Bacon, Brantley, Charlton, Pierce, and Ware counties.
Waycross, GA 31503
Help you earn your high school diploma or the equivalent; a driver's license; in-depth career planning; on-the-job training; job placement assistance; housing; food; health and dental care; a biweekly basic living allowance, and basic uniforms and equipment for career training.
Brunswick, GA 31525
Focuses on promoting the local economy, health initiatives, education and quality of life by collecting data on community needs and working with partners to recommend solutions.
Savannah, GA 30401
Provides information and referral
Savannah,, GA 31401
Information and referral to human services agencies that provide direct assistance, or information and referral for a wide variety of services. For best results, go to the home page: or and enter your zip code. Services include:
Categories include:
• Caregivers
• Adult Education/Training
• Money & Employment
• Transportation
• Safety & Legal
• Food
• Housing & Goods
• Health
• Disability & Aging
• Early Childhood
Meetings are virtual or in person or a combination of both. While this listing takes you to South Georgia meeting/times/dates/locations, you may also access all Georgia NA meeting information.
Atlanta, GA 30342
Provides outpatient mental health counseling, acute stabilization and detoxification, psychosocial rehabilitation, peer, residential services, day and evening substance abuse treatment as well as a full range of developmental disabilities services. Pineland BHDD is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.
Statesboro, GA 30458
Forensic medical examinations, follow-up medical services, 24-hour crisis line, crisis intervention, advocacy services, and therapeutic counseling.
Brunswick, GA 31529
This office provides local health and human services. Beyond basic emergency relief services, they also provide backpacks for weekend food distribution to children in need, mobile food pantries, and volunteer opportunities for agencies supported by United Way.Information and referral on a variety of human services needs. Today, we meet identified local challenges through partnerships with 20 health and human service agencies. Serves all of Bryan County, including Pembroke, 40 s. Industrial Road; and Richmond Hill, listed below. Appointments are encouraged; call the number below.
Richmond Hill, GA 31324
This office provides local health and human services. Beyond basic emergency relief services, they also provide backpacks for weekend food distribution to children in need, mobile food pantries, and volunteer opportunities for agencies supported by United Way.Information and referral on a variety of human services needs.
Hinesville, GA 31313